Her past: Emanuel Mills was her first love. The guitar playing, adventure seeking, IT whiz was everything she ever wanted.
Her present: Tyree Barker was her last love. The cultured, educated, successful entrepreneur was everything she needed.
But when Sahara Lee’s past and present collided, a series of events occurred that changed her life forever, leaving her future up in the air.
As a college freshman, a tragic accident changed the course of Sahara’s life. Ten years later, just when she started putting her life back together, Sahara’s world was rocked again due to a similar accident.
Heartbroken and guilt ridden, Sahara fell into old, familiar habits before quickly realizing that she wasn’t the same Sahara Lee anymore. Unable to live a lonely, loveless, isolated life anymore, Sahara decided that the way she coped before wasn’t going to work this time around.
Time didn’t heal her wounds, but forgiveness might.
Brittany's Review
3.5 Stars
Characters - This is book 2 so all the characters are still in this story and I still like them all.
Plot/Storyline - Their was plenty of drama, suspense, sadness and happiness in this book.
Steam factor - Hot!! Sahara is a lucky girl.
Cover - The cover is cute even though it doesn't say much about the story. It does show how chill Sahara is and how fashionable she can be.
Cliffhanger - Nope! HEA and this is the last book.
Overall - I didn't like this story as much as the first book, BUT that doesn't mean it wasn't a great book. It definitely ties up loose ends and their is an HEA.
Back to Reality picks up right where Back to Life stops. Sahara is yet again at a crossroads between the 2 men she loves. Sahara is feeling so much pressure on what to do and feeling so torn between her feelings that she does what Sahara does best, run.
About 2 months go by and that's where the story picks up. Sahara once again has up and left her life to start a new one and this time her reason is that she needs time to think. She is in love with two amazing men and she takes self blame for everything that has happened. She feels like she has ruined Ty and Emmanuel's lives. Sahara soon seeks out counseling due to her best friend Emily convincing her to talk to someone about her inner guilt. Sahara meets Ben who works with her new therapist. This gets you thinking that this could be another potential relationship and that sorta bothered me at first. I felt like she couldn't even handle the two men in her life now let alone a third man.
Sahara decides the only way to move on is to settle things between Emmanuel and Ty and to forgive them and herself. She heads back to Thomasville to confront Emmanuel first and things happen between them and you as the reader are so HAPPY! But, unfortunately it's very short lived due to some devastating news from Emmanuel's ex. Sahara yet again walks away and feels like she is doing the right thing. She decides to confront Ty to ask for his forgiveness and after an initial argument things begin to pick back up in their relationship. Ty is trying to trust her again and Sahara is trying to move on from Emmauel and give herself all to Ty.
Sahara has a lot of internal dialogue in this book. She just constantly blames herself for everything!! I was hoping by this book she would become a stronger character. Their is ALOT of drama between Sahara, Ty and Emmanuel. At times, it was a little much for me. Some parts of this book fell just a little flat at times and I felt slightly bored. I will say though Sahara has the best clothes imaginable!! I wish I was her friend just to borrow everything! LOL
Anyway, by the end of this book Sahara knows what she has to do and who is the guy for her. It was a nice ending to the story and I'm so happy who she ended up with. I was very touched at the end especially who she went to visit. The epilogue was refreshing and I felt it definitely needed to happen that way in order for everyone to truly have their happy ending. Danielle Allen did a great job with this story and with writing a beautiful love triangle. Thanks for letting me apart of this great story.
Favorite Quotes
"The thing you said to me last Friday stuck with me: hurt people hurt people. I will never stop feeling like this if I'm always hurting others and then running. I can't keep running from this past."
"You are everything to me. I would never hurt you. Never." His eyes searched mine as he wrapped his hands around my neck and used his thumb to wipe the tear that trickled down my cheek. "I love you. Don't be scared beautiful."
"You truly changed my life. You changed me. You changed me for the better. You made me stronger. You made me open up. You made me happy. And I hate that decisions that I made hurt you. You didn't deserve what I did to you. You didn't deserve it, Ty. And truth be told, I don't deserve you."
"Sometimes the questions are complicated, but the answers are simple."
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