Thursday, January 30, 2014

Review: A Different Blue by Amy Harmon


Blue Echohawk doesn't know who she is. She doesn't know her real name or when she was born. Abandoned at two and raised by a drifter, she didn't attend school until she was ten years old. At nineteen, when most kids her age are attending college or moving on with life, she is just a senior in high school. With no mother, no father, no faith, and no future, Blue Echohawk is a difficult student, to say the least. Tough, hard and overtly sexy, she is the complete opposite of the young British teacher who decides he is up for the challenge, and takes the troublemaker under his wing.

This is the story of a nobody who becomes somebody. It is the story of an unlikely friendship, where hope fosters healing and redemption becomes love. But falling in love can be hard when you don't know who you are. Falling in love with someone who knows exactly who they are and exactly why they can't love you back might be impossible.

Nicky's Review

4 Stars

Characters- Wow! Blue and Wilson are now added to my list of favorite characters. Loved Wilson most though.
Plot/Storyline- This story was sad and yet beautiful and just flowed beautifully from beginning to end. Great great story about being lost and finding hope and yourself along the way.
Steam Factor- This is where my 1 star was lost. I love books even without any smut in them but this book just kept providing all of this sexual tension and we get NOTHING to quench our thirst for their more intimate connection. We get intimate kissing but that is it. I'm not saying add porn to the mix, but a sex scene focused on the emotional aspect of the act would have made this book freaking AMAZEBALLS!! It was a bit of a tease in this area and I'm still wanting to experience this first intimate moment with them, done in a beautiful way that is, not raunchy.
Cover- Love it. The clean and simple photography is wonderful and the title is perfectly colored.
Cliffhanger-Somewhat but really no. Did I mention I wanted to have a love scene? I did. Oh, well, I still do. Novella maybe? Amy, do you hear me? LOL!! You write awesome books girlie :) XO
Overall- I thoroughly enjoyed this book from beginning to end. I connected hard with the characters. I was just in the book, turning pages and feeling every emotion between Blue and Wilson. During heated moments and moments of sexual frustration I was nose in the book, eyes wide and my breathing may have hitched and changed pattern while I read. I LOVE books that totally consume me and this was one that achieved this reaction and I thank Amy Harmon, once again, for writing another amazing book that you lose yourself in.

This is the story of Blue Echohawke, or at least that's the name she was given after she was found in a truck at the young age of two. She's raised by the man who owned the truck and becomes lost again when she is forced to live with a woman who is a stranger to her. Her life has been a huge question mark and she lives her life aimlessly trying to figure out who she is and what her purpose is in life. I mean, how would you feel about yourself if your mother just abandons you in the hands of a stranger? She feels worthless and ugly (not physically ugly, she knows she's nice on the eyes because guys aren't a problem for her).

I will admit that the first bit of the story is slow and hard to really get into but once you hit about 30% the story just takes off and all the information in the beginning plays a part that ties the entire story together.  This story goes in so many different directions that I was not expecting and it kept me wanting more. This is not your typical teacher/student romance. There's in interest while Blue is still in school, but their friendship doesn't really even fully bloom until after she graduates. I loved this because it was so different and unexpected. Yes, I too like a good forbidden teacher/student love affair where you're on edge just wondering when they will get caught and that's usually what we feed off of in teacher/student romances; the anticipation of drama. Though this book doesn't play that card for drama, there are a lot of other issues at hand that will keep you invested in Blues story.

I also loved the fact that Blue's life not only started to have meaning for herself, but her life impacts and changes the lives of Wilson and others around her. It was just beautiful to see such a broken and lost girl become this source of love and healing. She became more than a somebody, she became somebody very special and very beautiful. I can't say enough about this book.

If you want a book that proves that we all have a place and purpose on this earth despite feeling small, insignificant and, as blue says, ugly; this is the book for you. As you watch Blue's story unfold you gain a new perspective on self worth and our ability to have a positive impact on lives around us despite our negative image of ourselves in our head, even with past indiscretions. I came upon a quote that I would like to share because it feels so significant when it comes to this book:

We don't see things as they are,
We see them as we are. ~Anais Nin

In the beginning Blue sees herself as  an ugly insignificant vessel so everything around her was ugly and insignificant, but as she began to see her own self worth and beauty, the life around her began to have meaning and beauty.

Thank you Amy Harmon, you bring out a passion in me with your writing. You make the world more beautiful with your words and I can't say thank you enough for bringing beauty into my heart. You truly have a gift and a beautiful mind. XOXO :)

Favorite Quotes:

“I keep wishing you had had a better life...a different life. But a different life would have made you a different Blue." He looked at me then. "And that would be the biggest tragedy of all.”

“But there's no way to avoid regret. Don't let anybody tell you different. Regret is just life's aftertaste. No matter what you choose, you're gonna wonder if you shoulda done things different. I didn't necessarily choose wrong. I just chose. And I lived with my choice, aftertaste and all.”

“She said 'life is all we have, and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.”

“You can't control who loves can't let someone love you anymore than you can make someone love you” 

“It was harder to see how a boy like that, so inspired by a saint, could be attracted to a sinner like me.” 

“Once upon a time there was a little blackbird who was pushed from the nest, unwanted. Discarded.” 

“And in weeping there was power. The power to heal, the power to release pain and let go, the power to endure love and to shoulder loss. And as the weeks became months, I cried less and smiled more. And peace became a more frequent companion.”

~Purchase This Book~

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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Review: Who I Am by Shanora Williams


Some stories aren’t easy to tell.

Some situations aren’t easy to relive.

But I was raised to be strong—to hold my own. Because of it, I was hurt, torn down, beaten and even had my heart snatched right out of my chest.

But I’m ready now. It’s time for me to speak up. You want to know what really goes on inside my head, well I’m right here.

Real. Raw. Intense.

This is all me. Roy Sykes. This is my story, and trust me… its far from pretty.

Nicky's Review

4 Stars

Characters-  LOVED Roy and LOVED Kelsey!!
Plot/Storyline- The story was awesome! I love how we got to see a different side of Roy and his story is WAY different than the first two stories of this series.
Steam Factor- HOT!!! Thinking of man pulling his hair back into a ponytail will now forever hold a kinky thought in my head thanks to Roy Sykes :)
Cover- Sexy! Love the tats on the guy. Very Roy :)
Cliffhanger- Nope. This is their story. There is definitely room to add on but you aren't left wanting :)
Overall- I really enjoyed this story. Roy's story is everything you thought it would be and more. He went through hell and back and came out in the end being the sweet guy he is.  I love that he fought for what he wanted and always tried to do right by everyone even at the high price he'd have to pay. I wasn't a big ROY fan in the last two books, but DAMN! I am definitely on the Roy Boat now. This guy is deep, dark, sweet and HOT as hell! This is, by far, my favorite book of the series and can be read as a standalone but with some spoilers from the first book in regards to Eliza and Gage.

Who I Am is the heartbreaking story that is Roy Sykes.  We get to see Roy before Fire9Nine becomes big. We get to see how Roy struggles with maintaining a roof over his and his mom's head, the bad choices he is forced to make, the danger he puts himself in for others and the challenges he faces with love.

I loved his back story and also hated that he had to go through what he went through, but meeting Kelsey had made it so much better for me because it felt good that he finally found someone who truly loves him for him.  Although things happen that threaten his relationship with Kelsey, I LOVE how Roy handled it. Nothing is more attractive than a guy who fights for what he wants and puts his whole heart on the line.

The only thing I wish would have be included in the book was a time frame in the beginning. I'll explain. When the book starts, Roy does something so out of character and he basically gives credit to Kelsey for helping him get the nerve to do it. When I read this, I was a little confused and frustrated because I felt that it was a bit of an insta-love situation and I couldn't believe that they had just met and now she can suddenly get him to open up like he did. It felt very fast and unbelievable that he'd do this for someone he just started seeing, but as I read (about halfway through) I found out that they had been together for 1 year by the time the book started. It just would have been nice to know that he had been with Kelsey for a year and it had taken him a year to finally come to terms with doing what he was doing. After I found this out, then I was good with the way the events occurred. It was more believable that they had gotten so close and that he had the time to open up.

All in all, I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone who wants to read about a man with a heart of gold who is given a shit life but overcomes all obstacles despite his external and internal struggles.  Great job Shanora Williams!! Roy's story was perfect and helped me understand his distant, standoffish behavior in the other books. Thank you :)

Favorite Quotes:

"'Hitting on my girl? Isn't that against the guy-code or something?' I asked teasingly. Montana simply shrugged again with his hands held out. 'No offence, but sometimes girls think twice about the guy they're with when they meet me. I tend to have that effect on the bitches.'"

"I just... sat there and blended in with the darkness, wondering how the hell I was going to get myself out of this one. This was my heart. This was me. And she bucked it all up. She... destroyed me."

"'You have no idea how much I love you, Kelsey Michelle Prior. No fucking idea.'
'I think I love you more,' I whisper over his shoulder.'
'Impossible,' he mumbles, and then kisses my cheek. 'Now, let me take you home. I'm not done making things up to you yet.'"

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Brittany's Review

4.5 Stars

Characters- Kelsey and Roy are awesome characters....I love them! Plus, all the band members are in this story too!
Plot/Storyline- I just LOVED this book! We find out so much about Roy and his life and it really helps us understand him better from books 1 and 2.
Steam Factor- Very STEAMY ;) Kelsey and Roy have such great chemistry together and Shanora Williams is very descriptive during those incredible moments.
Cover- Hot and Sexy and shows both main characters perfectly like the rest of the band book covers.
Cliffhanger- No this story wraps up beautifully.
Overall- I am beyond thrilled to have an opportunity to read and review this book. I have been such a fan of the FireNine series from the beginning and of Shanora's writing. I have been dying to figure out the mysterious, sweet yet quiet Roy. Thankfully, I wasn't let down.

This book starts out with Kelsey and Roy still together and he is going in for a magazine interview. He is super nervous about it because this is the first time everyone will know who Roy Sykes really is. This is when we get the flashback to 8 years ago. Roy is 18 years old when he meets Rosemarie at a park while he's practicing his music with Gage. Their is an instant attraction between the two of them and they agree to go on a date that Friday. Rosemaire SEEMS very innocent and nice. She is also very beautiful according to Roy.

Roy is almost living two lives. The one he gives off to the band and Rosemaire and his hellish, tiresome REAL life. Roy lives with his mom in a one bedroom apartment in a bad part in the city. She is very sick and doesn't work so Roy takes care of her like the good hearted soul he is. Not only is he taking care of his mom full time he had to find a job to support them both. Unfortunately that meant getting involved in some illegal stuff and not so very nice people, Corey and Cheeks. Rose is also hiding some very important parts of her life from Roy.

Roy's and Rosemaire's relationship really kicks off and we soon find out Rose is not quite who we think she is. Roy can not stop falling for her and he feels like she is so different than all the other girls he has been with. Both of their lives are hectic though between him with the band and his mom and Rose dealing with her family. ALOT of shady things happen to tear everything apart. Rosemaire basically rips his heart to shreds and Roy promises to never allow himself to open up like that again to anyone.

I love how we got the flashback to really feel and understand what Roy went through and how much heartache and tragedy he faced in his youth. The second half of the book is in the present timeframe and we get to see more of Kelsey and Roy together. Of course, their is a little drama thrown in to make things interesting but I am so HAPPY with the outcome. Kelsey and Roy's chemistry together is HOT! Those FireNine boys really know how to please their ladies...I read a couple of those scenes a few times ;) Overall, I LOVED this book and I'm so glad we got such awesome perspective into Roy's sweet, honest, raw, real story. This was a complete transformation of one of my now, new favorite band members of FireNine. Can't wait to read Montana's story next!!! =)

Promo Post: Who I Am (Fire9Nine #3) by Shanora Williams

Release Day Banner


Some stories aren’t easy to tell.
Some situations aren’t easy to relive.
But I was raised to be strong—to hold my own. Because of it, I was hurt, torn down, beaten and even had my heart snatched right out of my chest.
But I’m ready now. It’s time for me to speak up. You want to know what really goes on inside my head, well I’m right here.
Real. Raw. Intense.
This is all me. Roy Sykes. This is my story, and trust me… its far from pretty.

~Purchase This Book~

WHO I AM Ecover


  Who I Am (FireNine)



(Kelsey's POV)

A smile smothers my lips as I spot Roy standing in front of some fancy restaurant. He’s dressed in all black (as usual), but his hair is wavy, proving he most likely took a shower before reaching his destination. He’s looking around, and there are moments when he checks his phone. My smile continues as I start to walk toward him, but in no time, my smile evaporates. A girl rushes up to him, and I stop in my tracks, staring like a deer stuck in headlights. I’m… confused. The girl stands on her toes and wraps her arms around his neck, and somehow, a part of me shrivels away. I swallow to block the dryness in my throat. I can feel my bottom lip trembling… my palms getting sweaty. I don’t even realize I’ve dropped the bag in my hand or the cup holder containing the coffee until I’m storming towards him. My eyebrows are furrowed, fists clenched tight around my keys. The sharp metal of my keys is digging into my hand, but I don’t even realize it. I can’t seem to focus on anything but my boyfriend walking into some restaurant with this blonde beauty.

~Author's Dream Cast~

Roy Character PicKelsey Character Pic

~Book Trailer Video~

~About the Author~

Shanora Williams


S. Q. Williams was born and raised in Matthews, North Carolina. She's the author of the New Adult series, OBTAINED and the Best Selling New Adult novel, Hard to Resist. Her upcoming mature New-Adult/Adult novel, Who He Is, will be released in July of 2013.
When she's not writing, she's happily reading or watching cartoons like the big kid she is. She has a wonderful family that you will hear her brag and talk about all of the time. Whenever she just wants to get away from the words for a while, she'll spend some time with her loved ones, eat gummy bears, or drown in Coca-Cola and anything else caffeinated.

~Purchase the First 2 Books~

-Book #1-
]Who He Is Cover

-Book #2-
Who We Are-SQ Williams COVER FRONT

Who I Am paperback cover (1)
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Saturday, January 25, 2014

Cover Reveal: Entice by S.E. Hall

Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000038_00073]


Book Three in the Amazon Best Selling Evolve Series by S.E.Hall, Entice can be read following Emerge, Embrace and Entangled (novella) or as a stand-alone.
Sawyer Beckett does everything full throttle— he’s fiercely loyal to his friends, always the life of the party and impossible for the parade of women in and out of his bedroom to forget.
Surrounded by true love and happily ever afters, Sawyer's not sure if he's enhancing the what-ifs in his head, or if the goddess on stage that night really is worth the search and nagging in his chest.
At the most inopportune moment possible, Emmett Young comes "skipping" back into his life...and for the first time, Sawyer is the one left wanting more. But Emmett can't give her heart; it's already committed—for life.
The only one strong enough to bring the elusive playboy to his knees is the one he can't have. Luckily, Sawyer Beckett doesn't give up easily.
Mature subject matter and strong sexual content- mature audiences only recommended.


Dick in bed teaser Bush Teaser

~About the Author~
S.E. Hall
Bio Pic
S.E.Hall resides in Arkansas with her husband of 18 years and 3 beautiful daughters. When not in the stands watching her ladies play softball, she enjoys reading.

~Purchase Books 1, 2, and 2.5~

Book 1

Book 2

Book 2.5
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Pageflex Persona [document: PRS0000038_00073]
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Friday, January 24, 2014

Review: Lawful Overdose by Justine Elvira


*Warning: This book is for mature audiences. It contains drugs, sex, underage drinking, harsh language, and is panty melting hot! 

Since the death of her sister, Tessa Grayson is invisible at home. Her parents barely speak to her or show any affection, so Tessa seeks affection from men. 

It’s the summer going into Tessa’s junior year of college. Instead of going home for the summer, she stays in her small college town with her best friend and roommate, Piper. To make money, Tessa and Piper waitress at a local bar and grill. It’s a hotspot for college kids and a few townies. 

On her first night working after a depressing visit with her parents, she meets Jaxon Wyatt. Jaxon just transferred to Eastern for his senior year of college to be closer to his brother. He is mysterious and badass, exactly what Tessa wants, but is trying to stay away from.

After a night of wild partying, Tessa is looking to get lost in Jaxon. Their attraction is undeniable, but Jaxon wants more. Jaxon and Tessa become closer, but he is hiding a secret. A secret that could break the bond he and Tessa share. 

What will happen when Tessa finds out that Jaxon isn’t who he claims to be? Can Tessa continue a relationship with someone who supports everything she’s against, or does Jaxon have one more secret up his sleeve?

* Recommended for 18 years and older.

Nicky's Review

3 Stars

Characters- They were likable but the fact that the two girls in the story are very promiscuous sort of turned me off.
Plot/Storyline- Story was good, not epic by any means, but good. You sort of figure out the big secret before it's revealed.
Steam Factor-Very steamy. Jaxon is the classic male character that puts his woman's needs before his own and that is down right sexy
Cover- Sexy and captures some great moments from the book in one picture
Cliffhanger- Nope. This is their story from beginning to end with an Epilogue.
Overall- I enjoyed the story but it definitely could have been a great story.

This is the story of Tessa, a very promiscuous college student. Her actions are like that of a guy in college: parties, drinking and lots of sex. I appreciate the whole role reversal the author was going for but I don't know, seeing a girl sleep around (being a girl myself) just hits me the wrong way. Maybe it's because I feel that woman should have more respect for themselves, not because it's ok for men to do it than woman. I guess I just hold woman at a higher standard than men, but anyway.

Tess uses sex to fill a void that has been created by a traumatic event in her life and it acts as a distraction from her emotionally void parents. We get to experience her home life two to three times in the book, but nothing really happens in regards to that issue. It's mentioned, it provides a reason for Tess' actions, but we aren't really given any dialogue between her and her parents.  That's a little disappointing since they are a main source of the stress in her life.

Tess works at a sports bar, much like Hooters, and gets hit on all the time because she has "...a porn star chest and a skinny waist to go with it. I wear a D-cup and have a nice, firm butt from butt from working out. The rest of my body is slim and tone, so I can't complain." Right, you kind of hate her already. I'm not all about a girl being hard on herself but when it seems like they're almost in love with themselves, this is also a bit of a turn off. Anyway, Tess has a best friend Piper, who is just as sexy but with blonde hair instead of Tessa's brown hair.

The one inconsistency I couldn't get past is that Tessa is totally AGAINST being around anyone who does drugs because drugs have only brought her loss and sadness, yet, Piper does drugs. Not around Tess, but it's made known that she does them and that Tess knows about it. But they're best friends.

Tess meets Jaxon at work one night and there's that INSTANT connection. Even though it was instant, I loved how Jaxon made Tess- the hoochie mamma- take her time with him and wait for things to happen. He was in control and I loved it. Jaxon was my favorite part of this book. He definitely saved the story.

Jaxon has a secret and it becomes a major issue with his and Tess' relationship. Jaxon is very sweet and trustworthy but Tessa sees him in precarious situations. I will admit that I did appreciate her realistic reaction to what she saw because you can only see suspicious activity one too many times before you call bullshit. The only thing I didn't like was Jaxon's response to Tess after all the events unfold. There was no explanation as to why his feelings changed, it was just cut and dry.

Then when Tessa makes her big move I was let down. It was a bit superficial that what made the difference in their relationship was sex. I mean, Jaxon always made sure that sex was just a part of the relationship, not the reason for or the whole relationship. And for sex to be the reason Jaxon succumbs is just disappointing. I wanted Tessa to have to make more of an effort. But that's just me.

All in all, I really did like the story but there were just aspects to it that weren't great. It wasn't an epic story but not one that I'd complain about reading because it did keep me entertained and gave me the sweet and sexy Jaxon. He is definitely on my Book Boyfriend list now. Thank you Justine Elvira for giving me Jaxon and for writing a good story with a good plot. I would recommend this book for a rainy day because it is entertaining. Like a Lifetime movie. It's not cinema worthy, but it's still a great story that provides an escape for a little while.Thank you Justine Elvira. I will look for more of your work as I'm sure you're only going to get better and better <3

Favorite Quotes:

"'This is better. Much quieter for what I have in mind.' 'And what's that?' Piper chimes in. 'If you plan on kidnapping or killing us, I have something to tell you. I'm a biter and I feel joy when i kick a man in the balls.'"

"I want to fuck you hundreds of different ways, in every place I can imagine. I want to own you, but I want you to want to be owned first."

"Oh, I'll put you down. When we get home I'm going to put you down and fuck you silly, claiming what's mine. Once you've recovered I'm going to devour every inch of you, slowly. I'm going to make love to my girl, in her new home, and show her how much I love her. You okay with that?"

"'You're beautiful, so beautiful I feel bad for other woman,' he whispers in my hair."

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Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Review: Hold On Tight by Nicola Haken

A figure from Dexter’s past has uprooted all the memories he has tried so desperately to bury… to forget. The terrible events of his past have been blown wide open once again, immersing him a pool of guilt deeper than he’s even experienced before.

Dexter feels powerless. The future he foolishly allowed himself to conceive is falling apart around him and there’s nothing he can do about it. But there’s one thing he can control – one thing he’s an expert at… blocking everything out. Losing all control, Dexter copes the only way he knows how – he dives so far into the well of addiction, the only thing that matters anymore is where his next fix is coming from.

Mission accomplished – there’s no one left. He’s successfully pushed everyone away. Nobody left to care about means no more guilt, right? You can’t hurt people who aren’t there…

But has he really pushed Emily as far away as he thinks he has? She’s given up everything for him – her home, her friends… her whole life. And she doesn’t regret a single thing. But can she save him from drowning, or has he finally sunk too far?

(Not suitable for under 18’s due to language, sexual content and explicit drug use)

Nicky's Review

4.5 Stars

Characters-  Love the beautifully damaged characters that are Dexter and Emily.
Plot/Storyline- Wow! Such a great flow of events and executed perfectly.
Steam Factor- Oh yeah! Can I have a Dexter please?!
Cover- Love the consistency of the last cover.
Cliffhanger- YES! We get the rest of their story Summer 2014!!!
Overall- SO HAPPY with this continuation of their story.

This book picks right up where Take My Hand left off and I couldn't have been happier with that. If you've read Take My Hand, you know how dramatic the ending was and to finally get the answers and the turn of events after that event occurs provided both relief from waiting and anxiety from the results of the situation.  The ending to this book is the same. A bomb is dropped and the book ends.

I loved everything about this book even though it was a very dark and sad read due to having to look at Dexter as a shadow of himself and having to struggle along with him and Emily in order to find the light again. I love stories that allow a character to be flawed despite having all the support they need to lean on around them because that's how a lot of people who are self destructive act. They are blind to the reality surrounding them and they live inside their own twisted mind which is only filled with self loathing and the need to punish themselves. That's why we judge those around someone who takes the wrong path because we assume that they failed the individual, but in reality, the individual failed to see and reach for the lifelines all around them and within them.

The series of events that occur from the time Dexter hits his lowest to Dexter finally seeing and reaching for that light I spoke of was a ride I felt. I felt horrible for him and I just wanted to help him just like Emily and Sarah and I too felt helpless. Nicola wrote this story so well that you can see why Dexter and Emily make the choices they do throughout the book. Emily was weak when it came to Dexter but that didn't stop her from being strong for him and it didn't stop her from making very difficult decisions and I loved that. I loved how she was both fragile and solid. And Dexter. I loved his vulnerability and yet he was a sexy as sin bad ass that you couldn't not love. And oh God! Those piercings!! Hehe. Moving on :)

All in all, I would highly recommend this book to anyone who has read Take My Hand FIRST and anyone who loves a story of a broken man who is saved through the love of a devoted and strong girl. Nicola Haken did a great job of keeping me invested in the story. I had to peel myself away from the book when my eyes were like iron gates or when I actually had to eat something. I just wanted to know what was going to happen next. I can not wait for the rest of their story because I feel like I know these characters and I want them to live HEA. Please give them a HEA. BRAVO Nicola! BRAVO!! XOXO :)

Favorite Quotes:
"I didn't chose to fall in love with him, Rach. But I did and I will never regret it. Whether it's the laughs or the tears, I have never felt more alive since I met him and I will NOT give up on him!"

"'And for the record, if I wasn't your sister, I'm pretty sure you look hot in that suit.'
'Obviously. I'd look hot rolled in shit,' he shot back, already half way to the office door."

"'You're not disappearing Dex. I won't let you,' she whispered against my lips before brushing them with hers in one feathery soft movement. 'And even if you did... I would find you. I would find you and bring you back.'"

"I will always stand by you, even in your darkest hour. You hearing what I'm saying, Dex? I will follow you down whatever path you end up taking... If it's the wrong one, I will fight to the death to drag you back."

"I feel like I've finally got something to live for. Not just survive for... live for."

"Forget your past mistakes. They're done. Gone. Can't do jack shit to change them. You need to leave them exactly where they are- the past. If you spend your life trying to make up for them, it means you haven't accepted them and that will make it impossible to move on from them. As for your future?Well, that's scary shit for anyone. No one knows what's going to happen, so why exhaust yourself trying to guess? Just enjoy the ride and see where it takes you."

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Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Review: Who We Are by Shanora Williams


Eight months.

That’s how long it’s been since Eliza last saw Gage and they both feel as if they don’t deserve one another’s forgiveness. He screwed up. She walked away without looking back. They’ll try and make up all the time they’ve lost with one another, that is until they’re facing the choices of either going their separate ways, or hanging on and fighting for dear life.

The fights will be endless. They heartache will be real. The demons will return, and they won’t back down without a fight.

There are some who will do anything to keep true love apart, and those same people will dig deep into their demonic ways until Eliza and Gage are literally no more.

Can Eliza and Gage overcome it all? Will they be able to face the true demons that are seeking to destroy them? Or will they just forget about everything they’ve worked so hard for and go their separate ways?

Sometimes you have to go through struggles in order to reach an ultimate point of peace… but will their struggle be worth it?

Nicky's Review

3 Stars

Characters-  They were still lovable, still frustrating and still a group of dysfunctional goofballs.
Plot/Storyline- Story line was pretty good but I felt there was a lack in motivation for Gage to do the things he did.
Steam Factor- VERY steamy!! They can't keep their hands off of each other and I loved it!
Cover- I liked it, but Ellie has BLONDE hair. Who are these people on the cover?
Cliffhanger- Nope. This is the end of their story with Epilogue and all :)
Overall- I enjoyed the story and was happy to see where their story led, but I really felt like the reasons behind Gages actions were stupid because Ellie pointed out the plain and simple answer to what to do in the situation and then time passes and what she said to do is what he ends up doing and it turns out like it was obviously going to. It just felt like wasted time and I didn't like the loss of time and connection between the characters when the issues had an obvious solution.

This book was a great completion to Ellie and Gage's story. I was happy to read what path they took after the dramatic departure of Ellie at the end of Who He Is.  I really enjoyed Ellie as a character. She is really strong, smart, driven and is the voice of common sense and comfort for Gage. Gage on the other hand is sexy as hell but is a lost cause when it comes to self loathing and self blame. Dude would blame himself for a rain storm if he could find a way.

We start the book after 8 months of separation between Ellie and Gage and its obvious the chemistry and love are still there.  I will say, I had a huge WTH moment when Gage is pissed the first night he sees Ellie, but then at AG (Ellie's new art internship) its like things were never weird that night. Gage went from seeming to HATE Ellie to joking with her and making light of things. It was very random and very strange and didn't flow.

Things get hot and heavy and life is good for them until Penelope causes issues AGAIN! I, like Ellie, was SO OVER Penelope in the story. She was a huge source of drama and strain in Ellie and Gage's relationship and that bitch needed to go down. 

Ellie and Gage separate again and for a while. Gage's sister comes back in the picture and more drama ensues.  The whole story is basically Ellie and Gage getting close, Gage pulling away due to fear of publicity issues (secrets revealed causing stress and harm to his band and his loved ones), time spent from each other, reuniting, heating up, more drama, separating and finally reuniting again for the final time after Ellie makes Gage take the advice she gave him years ago. It was a bit frustrating because I kind of felt that Gage's reasons for constantly pulling away were not validated and it was only supported more when Ellie point blank told him the obvious solution that wouldn't cause the problems he thought, but he just wasted time and sometimes I felt my time was wasted.

I did enjoy the epilogue but I felt that one huge event that occurred before the epilogue's event was sort of brushed over and I would have loved to have been part of that moment because its a pretty big event for them. But it's just mentioned a few times and then the story is tied up with the Epilogue. The Epilogue was very sweet and it is a HEA.

Favorite Quotes:

"Okay, but if shit gets ugly, call me... but if I don't answer, run like hell. I might not make it in time..."

“I would never make you drop something you love. I’d never drop what I love—for anybody. I’d make room for the other thing I love, though. I made room for you."

“He’d placed a stake in my heart the first time he told me loved me, and since then I’ve been his. I don’t think I could’ve been anyone else’s, no matter how much time we spent apart or how much time I spent with the other. Where there was darkness, he filled me up and I spilled over with light. He was my light. My sanity. My world.”

“Every single morning, I smell him. Even when I’ve changed my sheets, I smell him. When I roll onto the side of the bed he was on, I smell him. I can almost feel him—and then I want to call him. I wanna call him because I feel so helpless. So alone. All I wanna do is hear his voice. I just want the assurance that we’re still okay. I just want to make sure everything is okay, but… he obviously doesn’t care whether it is or not.”

“I’m sorry, Ellie. I can mend your heart, though. I can collect all the pieces and put you back together again."

“I think we’re all here to either make someone happy, to take care of someone who may be in need, or to make a difference in a few lives, good or bad.”

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Saturday, January 11, 2014

Review: My Beautiful by JM La Rocca


Ages 18+ due to sexual content and language

It has been eight months since Scarlett Moore last saw Kade Evans. After being left hurt and confused she tried to forget about him, but he wasn’t easy to forget. She found herself thinking about him often. Even her best friend Jules did her best to get him off her mind by pushing her toward Bryce, the one person Scarlett was not sure she wanted to be involved with. When a new job opportunity is offered to her and Jules, they jump on it. The idea of starting over again and forgetting the past is enticing to Scarlett even if it moves her to Los Angeles, the same place Kade lives.

Kade Evans’ life revolved around his band, alcohol, drugs, and women…until he met Scarlett. She is the light to his darkness, his beautiful; the one that makes him see what the future might hold. That is, until his past came barreling back into his life, ruining everything. Hurting her was the last thing he wanted to do, but he did what he had to do to protect her. His plan is to find a way out of his new life before he tries to win her heart back. But life has a plan of its own and unexpectedly, Scarlett walks back into his life.

When they meet again, the fire she thought burned out is reignited and the plans he made are rearranged.

Just when things start to fall into place, they all seem to fall apart and the one person they think they can trust turns out to be the one to hurt them the most.

Nicky's Review

3.5 Stars

Characters- Still love them :)
Plot/Storyline- This story was more of an action/suspense/crime/mob book versus the first book which was sexy rocker romance with a hint of the suspense. I really liked the first book better since I'm not a big crime/suspense type reader so that did affect my opinion of this book versus the first.
Steam Factor- I'll take 1 Kade Evans to go please!! Hell yeah!! I think that says it all :)
Cover- Love the art of these covers I just wish the models portrayed the youth and beauty of the characters better.
Cliffhanger- Nope. This is the end of their story :)
Overall- I really enjoyed this book but I enjoyed the first one better. Don't get me wrong, this book was well written with great character development, great twists, great action and a love story within it. My rating is based on my personal opinion, meaning my reading preferences so take it for what it is; MY Opinion :) I just don't prefer to read books about crime circles, but that's a personal preference. Like I said, this is a good book and I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes to read crime/suspense romances.

To start, I really enjoyed this book. It was good and kept me interested the entire time.  I kept turning pages wondering when the shoe was going to drop, who was on who's side, who was deceiving who and how it was all going to play out in the end.  JM La Rocca knows how to weave a story that will keep you guessing and wanting to know what happens next. The thought process it takes to come up with a story of deception, criminal acts, crime circles and writing characters to pull all of these shenanigans off is just mind blowing.  These books that have so many aspects to them can either be amazing or fail miserable due to inconsistencies and such, but not this book. The characters, events and story were consistent throughout the book and I never had a moment of pure confusion or disappointment.

My love for Kade never faltered in this book and Scarlett's straight forward approach never changed and I was SO happy this was the case.  There were some other characters that were added that I was torn between because Bryce was sexy as hell and he was there when things weren't the best for Scarlett.  And then there was Sam!! Please write a book about Sam because his Sexy Australian Ass made me want to enter the book and introduce myself to him.  He is super sweet, a great friend, sexy as hell (the accent, swoon!) and he was a great addition to Scarlett's support system.

In this book, we delve deeper into Kade's other life, the life he never wanted and still doesn't.  We find out his secrets and experience the trouble it causes in Kade and Scarlett's relationship.  This book is a pure test of their love and trust with each other.  You are shocked at some aspects of the situation, I'm still a little bummed as to who the betrayer was in the story.  I think I was in denial because even as it was happening I was like, "Nah, I trust this person. They wouldn't do that....(5 or so pages later) WHAT THE HELL!!!!" Yeah, like I said, I was in denial

This book doesn't fall into my normal reading genres but I will say that it was well written and I finished it in 2 days (I have a two year old so reading is limited, the 2 days was not due to the lack of interest in the book :)).  I would definitely recommend this book, AFTER reading the first book LIFELESS, to anyone who likes a Smoking Hot Rock Star Male, a smart, straight talking lead female with a good head on her shoulders, great supporting characters, a story that will keep you guessing, romantic suspense's and anyone who just wants to get lost in a well written story of love, betrayal, crime drama and love coming out on top. Yes, there is a HEA and I am so thankful to JM La Rocca for that. Great job JM La Rocca!! Keep writing girl! You have my attention for sure! XOXO :)

Favorite Quotes:

"It amazed me that she was always able to give such great advice, but when it came to herself, she never followed any o fit. But I guess that's how it was for most people. Sometimes, it takes an outsider's point of view to make you realize what's going on."

"Sometimes, you have to do things you don't really want to do. Sometimes, you have to do things that will hurt the ones you love in order to save yourself."

"I shouldn't want you with everything going on, but it's not all about wanting you, Scarlett. I need you. I never needed anything more. I've thought about you every day since I left, and now that you're here...I can't let you go."

"I looked up at his smiling face. 'You know she was staring at your ass.' 'She can star all she wants. It's a nice ass.'"

"I found myself shuffling my feet side to side. I was antsy; I just couldn't wait to get my hands on her. She was my drug. I was addicted and a little hit wouldn't be enough. I wanted all of her. I wanted to be all for her. Everything she needed."

"I chuckled as I watched her fast walk to the bathroom, cupping her pussy. 'Shut up, Kade! it's running down my leg,' she laughed as she turned and looked at me with disgust. I threw my head back and laughed as she closed the bathroom door. I loved that we could be playful with each other."

"Yeah, I was being a dick. The story of my life."

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