That one single word best describes my life these last few years. I’m working at a temporary job until I can finally break free. I’m my little brother’s temporary mother since our mom doesn’t give a crap about either of us. And I’m that temporary girl all the guys want to get with because I give it up so easily. According to the rumors, at least.
But now I’m the temporary girlfriend of Drew Callahan, college football legend and all around golden guy. He’s beautiful, sweet—and he’s hiding way more secrets than I am. He’s brought me into this fake life where everyone seems to hate me. And everyone seems to want something from him. The only thing he seems to want though is…
I don’t know what to believe anymore. All I know is, I think Drew needs me. And I want to be there for him.
Nicky's Review
5 Star Review
Characters- Loved them but also hated a few (but we are supposed to)
Plot/Storyline- Flowed very well, kept you guessing, and had you wanting more
Steam Factor- Very steamy and sexy
Cover- Beautiful and Sexy
Cliffhanger- YES!!!
Overall- I F'loved this book!!!
One Week Girlfriend is a book that will take you through so many emotions, such as confusion, intrigue, lust, love, frustration, devastation, anger, hate, pain, sorrow, empathy, and happiness. There are plenty more emotions evoked by this story but one must read it to really feel this relationship between Drew and Fable develop, shift, and change.
We start off with Drew approaching Fable to be his pretend girlfriend for one week during Thanksgiving break while he goes home to see his father and step mother. Fable, just like the reader, is curious as to why he would ask her to do this, but his offer of $3,000 keeps her from wondering for too long. Fable sees the money as a savior because she has been forced to be responsible for keeping a roof over her 13 year old brothers head since her mother is unreliable and careless. But Fable still has to wonder why this handsomely beautiful guy needs to PAY someone to pretend date him. She doesn't see herself as anything special and has a reputation for being the town slut, which is exactly the reason he asked her to do this job. It would be unlikely that a whore would judge any situation she is in due to her obvious lack of morals, right? And also, he wouldn't really have to worry about caring what she thought since she was not a girl he was interested in starting anything with, right?
But Fable is not a slut, per say. She is just a girl looking for love and finds a moment of feeling wanted during those empty encounters. Drew begins to see a deeper side of Fable; a side that is very comforting, understanding, consoling, and unconditional. She is the kindest soul he has met and this allows her to break down his barriers.
The secrets that are revealed and the impact they have on Drew and Fable's relationship is beautiful and devastating. When you find out the answers you will have questions, you may go through the phases of denial, and then you will land on PURE HATE. I don't want to give too much away by going on and on so I highly recommend reading this book. It flows very well, the story is filled with page turning questions, hot sex scenes, and well written characters. You will feel their happiness and pain and you will want more, which is good for you because the next book is already out. The story continues in Monica Murphy's Second Chance Boyfriend, which I have read and will be reviewing soon :)
May you have
An amazing time
Reading this wonderful
Story of
How a
Man changes and
Allows a beautiful girl to
Love him,
Lust for and with him.
Open him up and heal his
Wounds with unconditional love
A few of my favorite quotes:
“Honestly, I don’t quite know how we got to this point. I hated him on sight. I did this only for the money. I thought he was a fucked up mess. I still think he’s a fucked up mess.
But so am I. And he’s so beautiful, so thoughtful, so vulnerable. We can be a mess together. I want to heal him. I know I can heal him.”
“I want to map every inch of her skin with my mouth. I want to sit with her in my arms and kiss her for hours, until our lips are swollen and our jaws are tired. I want to know what she looks like when she comes. And I want to be the one who makes her come with my name falling from her lips.”
“This isn’t a game to me, Fable. This is my life. And I want you to be a part of it … I want you and you only. I’m not sharing you with anyone else.”
You can purchase this book from the following links:
Brittany's Review
Amazing 5 Star Review
Characters - 5 - loved all the characters! Even though some were bad, they played into this story perfectly.
Plot - 4 - This plot was quite different from what I expected and flowed beautifully.
Steam Factor - 4 - Schmexy! Woo! Drew and Fable have great chemistry.
Cover - 5 - Absolutely beautiful! Portrays the characters flawlessly
Overall - 5 - Loved it!
Let's just start by saying that I couldn't agree more with what Nicky said about the book and characters. Also, I am not going to lie, I was a little ( just a tad) apprehensive about reading this book when I read the title and blurb. I am NOT a fan of insta-love and right away I began questioning if this is how this book would turn out. I mean the title itself says One Week Girlfriend. Thankfully, it wasn't. Not at all.
Drew and Fable both come from broken homes, which you will find out pretty early on in the story. Even though they meet fairly quickly, it takes awhile for their relationship to grow. What I LOVED so much was that Fable, the heroine, is the one saving Drew. Usually the big, strong, manly man swoops in and saves the girl, they fall in love, the end right? Well it wasn't like that this time and Monica Murphy really made the story and characters stand out by doing that.
Beneath this little love story also lies some serious issues between both Drew and Fable. Fable has become the soul provider for her younger brother. Therefore, she hasn't been able to live the "normal" college life like everyone else. Because of this, she has been labeled a slut due to the fact that she works at a hole-in-the-wall bar trying to make ends meet for her family. Drew is intrigued by Fable and therefore strikes a proposition with her to come home with him for the holiday week. This is when we really find out about Drew and his secrets.
P.S. Adele SUCKS!!!
Overall, a great, sexy love story with AMAZING plot twists that will have you saying "No Freaking Way!" I will warn you that their is a slight cliffhanger ending =/
The great news is book 2 is already out! So, please go read this amazing book by Monica Murphy and definitely read the conclusion to the story, Second Chance Boyfriend! The links are posted above for you to buy. We will be reviewing book 2 very soon =) XoXoXo
Favorite Quotes:
“I really need to break him of the bad language habit he’s developing at a rapid pace, but who am I to talk? I curse all the fucking time.”
“I shut myself off to make life bearable. I'm like a damn machine sometimes. Unfeeling. Uncaring. Emotionless.”
“But this girl...she doesn’t feel pointless. She’s real and she’s beautiful and she fits perfectly when she’s in my arms. She makes me want to feel.”
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