Blue Echohawk doesn't know who she is. She doesn't know her real name or when she was born. Abandoned at two and raised by a drifter, she didn't attend school until she was ten years old. At nineteen, when most kids her age are attending college or moving on with life, she is just a senior in high school. With no mother, no father, no faith, and no future, Blue Echohawk is a difficult student, to say the least. Tough, hard and overtly sexy, she is the complete opposite of the young British teacher who decides he is up for the challenge, and takes the troublemaker under his wing.
This is the story of a nobody who becomes somebody. It is the story of an unlikely friendship, where hope fosters healing and redemption becomes love. But falling in love can be hard when you don't know who you are. Falling in love with someone who knows exactly who they are and exactly why they can't love you back might be impossible.
Nicky's Review
4 Stars
Characters- Wow! Blue and Wilson are now added to my list of favorite characters. Loved Wilson most though.
Plot/Storyline- This story was sad and yet beautiful and just flowed beautifully from beginning to end. Great great story about being lost and finding hope and yourself along the way.
Steam Factor- This is where my 1 star was lost. I love books even without any smut in them but this book just kept providing all of this sexual tension and we get NOTHING to quench our thirst for their more intimate connection. We get intimate kissing but that is it. I'm not saying add porn to the mix, but a sex scene focused on the emotional aspect of the act would have made this book freaking AMAZEBALLS!! It was a bit of a tease in this area and I'm still wanting to experience this first intimate moment with them, done in a beautiful way that is, not raunchy.
Cover- Love it. The clean and simple photography is wonderful and the title is perfectly colored.
Cliffhanger-Somewhat but really no. Did I mention I wanted to have a love scene? I did. Oh, well, I still do. Novella maybe? Amy, do you hear me? LOL!! You write awesome books girlie :) XO
Overall- I thoroughly enjoyed this book from beginning to end. I connected hard with the characters. I was just in the book, turning pages and feeling every emotion between Blue and Wilson. During heated moments and moments of sexual frustration I was nose in the book, eyes wide and my breathing may have hitched and changed pattern while I read. I LOVE books that totally consume me and this was one that achieved this reaction and I thank Amy Harmon, once again, for writing another amazing book that you lose yourself in.
This is the story of Blue Echohawke, or at least that's the name she was given after she was found in a truck at the young age of two. She's raised by the man who owned the truck and becomes lost again when she is forced to live with a woman who is a stranger to her. Her life has been a huge question mark and she lives her life aimlessly trying to figure out who she is and what her purpose is in life. I mean, how would you feel about yourself if your mother just abandons you in the hands of a stranger? She feels worthless and ugly (not physically ugly, she knows she's nice on the eyes because guys aren't a problem for her).
I will admit that the first bit of the story is slow and hard to really get into but once you hit about 30% the story just takes off and all the information in the beginning plays a part that ties the entire story together. This story goes in so many different directions that I was not expecting and it kept me wanting more. This is not your typical teacher/student romance. There's in interest while Blue is still in school, but their friendship doesn't really even fully bloom until after she graduates. I loved this because it was so different and unexpected. Yes, I too like a good forbidden teacher/student love affair where you're on edge just wondering when they will get caught and that's usually what we feed off of in teacher/student romances; the anticipation of drama. Though this book doesn't play that card for drama, there are a lot of other issues at hand that will keep you invested in Blues story.
I also loved the fact that Blue's life not only started to have meaning for herself, but her life impacts and changes the lives of Wilson and others around her. It was just beautiful to see such a broken and lost girl become this source of love and healing. She became more than a somebody, she became somebody very special and very beautiful. I can't say enough about this book.
If you want a book that proves that we all have a place and purpose on this earth despite feeling small, insignificant and, as blue says, ugly; this is the book for you. As you watch Blue's story unfold you gain a new perspective on self worth and our ability to have a positive impact on lives around us despite our negative image of ourselves in our head, even with past indiscretions. I came upon a quote that I would like to share because it feels so significant when it comes to this book:
We don't see things as they are,
We see them as we are. ~Anais Nin
In the beginning Blue sees herself as an ugly insignificant vessel so everything around her was ugly and insignificant, but as she began to see her own self worth and beauty, the life around her began to have meaning and beauty.
Thank you Amy Harmon, you bring out a passion in me with your writing. You make the world more beautiful with your words and I can't say thank you enough for bringing beauty into my heart. You truly have a gift and a beautiful mind. XOXO :)
Favorite Quotes:
“I keep wishing you had had a better life...a different life. But a different life would have made you a different Blue." He looked at me then. "And that would be the biggest tragedy of all.”
“But there's no way to avoid regret. Don't let anybody tell you different. Regret is just life's aftertaste. No matter what you choose, you're gonna wonder if you shoulda done things different. I didn't necessarily choose wrong. I just chose. And I lived with my choice, aftertaste and all.”
“She said 'life is all we have, and we live it as we believe in living it. But to sacrifice what you are and to live without belief, that is a fate more terrible than dying.”
“You can't control who loves can't let someone love you anymore than you can make someone love you”
“It was harder to see how a boy like that, so inspired by a saint, could be attracted to a sinner like me.”
“Once upon a time there was a little blackbird who was pushed from the nest, unwanted. Discarded.”
“And in weeping there was power. The power to heal, the power to release pain and let go, the power to endure love and to shoulder loss. And as the weeks became months, I cried less and smiled more. And peace became a more frequent companion.”
~Purchase This Book~
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