Find out the dramatic conclusion to Book 1 of the X-Treme Boys Series, Skater Boy.
For the first time in her life, Hindley Hagen has something she’s always looked for, unconditional love. As the attorney and sports agent for X Games golden boy, Rory Gregor, she’s worked hard to help him make a comeback in a professional sport that isn’t always so forgiving. This time, he’s won more than just a gold medal, he’s captured her heart. But now, she’s trapped, caught in the snare of a man playing a deadly game. She must choose, protect the one man who’s made her come alive for the first time in her life or risk losing everything she’s worked hard for, including him. To save them both, Hindley must do the unthinkable or face a life without the one thing Rory Gregor has finally given her; hope. But protecting them means her own demons may surface and from that, there is no recovery. Hindley must learn the hard way, in love and life, there is no such thing as a safe secret.
Trust isn’t something that comes naturally to Rory Gregor. Even his own professional achievements as an X Games multi-gold medalist can’t wash away a childhood filled with abuse, which has left him with a lifetime of insecurities and self-loathing. But now, he’s finally found a woman who makes him feel the one thing in life he never thought possible-smart. With Hindley Hagen by his side, he’s skating better than ever, securing deals that could make them both rich. Yet something is off. Just as he gets inside the walls she’s constructed to guard herself, she pulls away again. She’s hiding something. But then, so is he.
As their need to protect one another grows to escalating heights with deadly consequences, will Hindley and Rory finally find the future together they so richly deserve? Or, will they discover the one thing that could destroy them both forever is actually each other? Find out in this exciting conclusion to the first book in the X-Treme Boys Series, Skater Boy.
Nicky's Review
4.5 Stars
Characters- Awesome, Real, a great mix of funny, angst, sweet, and bitchy. Loved them all!!
Plot/Storyline- Story line was a great continuation and transition from Skater Boy.
Steam Factor- Holy Sex God! Rory is like a freaking Mini Christian Grey!! And I will NEVER look at Hello Kitty stuff the same. LOL!!
Cover- Holds true to the skateboarding aspect, but I would still really like to see an image of the main focus of the story: Rory and Hindley :)
Cliffhanger- NO. This is the end of their story and the Epilogue and awesome and completes the story perfectly :)
Overall- I REALY enjoyed this book. It was a lot darker than Skater Boy. There are some sensitive topics in this book that may be too hard to read, but it made for a great story and allowed me to understand Hindley's character a lot better. I would recommend this book to anyone looking for a complex relationship with lots of ups, downs, challenges, sex, love, devotion, and beauty found in the broken. Great job Kay Manis!!!
WOW! This book took me by surprise! I knew we were going to delve into Hindley's past issues which cause her to be so insecure and broken, but man! I was not expecting all the baggage this girl was carrying. This just made me respect her so much more as a character because you see her as this strong, intelligent, beautiful girl and then you see the person she is inside and the events that have molded her into this person we see and its just crazy to see how strong she is.
As Hindley exposes her demons to Rory, he is so freaking in love with her I think if she said she gave birth to unicorns he'd still be cool with it. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE Rory?! What a great lead male character. He is flawed and will never be perfect when written on paper, but his tortured soul and the man he has grown into from his past transgressions is just breathtaking. I love when the lead guy is so smitten and committed to the lead female that you wish he was real and you yourself have fallen for him. That's where I was with this book.
Rory and Hindley face many challenges in this book: Rory's jealously and protective nature when it comes to Axel, Michael, and the new football client, Hindley's family (her mother and sister mainly), Hindley's past demons (past job and college trauma), blackmail, and the struggle with keeping their relationship secret. It was one rollercoaster of a ride, but I'd totally stand in line for 4 hours to ride it again.
What happens to Hindley is unspeakable and made me a little sick to my stomach when it was exposed. I wanted to cry for her, hug her and tell her that she may never be fully ok but that's ok. Luckily she had Rory to provide her with the love and devotion she needed. The manner in which she dealt with what happened to her in college was very sad too. But enough with the sadness because this book does have a HEA and it was PERFECT!! The Epilogue served it purpose of making the reader happy, then happier and then completely satisfied.
I only had one issue and that was when the secret of her past job came out. I was all ready to see this bomb drop and watch the warfare afterwards, but then it wasn't what you thought and I thought to myself, "Really?! That was such a dumb secret. It wasn't even worth adding to the shelf of past demons." It was... anticlimactic and a bit of a let down... BUT!!! I thanked God after I continued reading it because good grief! This girl's shelf couldn't have supported another past demon. So, to you Kay Manis: THANK YOU!!! Fantastic story with perfect layering of hot sexiness, humor, drama, sweetness and angst! WELL DONE!! I will definitely read another one of your books. XOXO :)
Favorite Quotes:
"Bring love into it and he'll run for the hills faster than Lindsay Lohan to rehab."
"'Perfectly imperfect.' She was right. Separate, we were broken vessels but together, we were whole."
"'I may take you up there right now if you keep licking those pouty lips like that.' She giggled and my one eyed soldier suddenly signed up for active duty, read to do battle on the front lines."
"'We're both broken, can't you see that? We're both weak. But together, we'll be strong, for each other and for ourselves. Together, we'll make each other whole. Please, Hindley.' he begged. his voice barely above a whisper. 'Please. Just come back to me.'"
"He ran his nose along my jaw line, planting kisses just under my ear. 'I can smell you.' Instantly, I froze in place. What the fuck was he saying? That was gross. I smelled? He pulled away from me. 'What?' 'No girl want to hear that you can smell her. That's gross.' 'What are you talking about?' he laughed, totally oblivious to my humiliation. [...] 'Hindley,' he explained. 'The scent of your arousal is the most aromatic perfume I've ever smelled. I would bottle it up and carry it with me everywhere I went if I could.' Oh. Well. That sounded kind of creepy, but kind of hot too."
"'Umm hum,' she buzzed as she licked her lips. Fuck! My dick filled up like a Sumo wrestler at a Chinese buffet."
"'I mean it, Geneva, you say one thing, one thing to upset her and I'll kick your as out of here so hard you won't be able to fuckin' walk through the mall without sucking on your own shit.'"
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