Some stories aren’t easy to tell.
Some situations aren’t easy to relive.
But I was raised to be strong—to hold my own. Because of it, I was hurt, torn down, beaten and even had my heart snatched right out of my chest.
But I’m ready now. It’s time for me to speak up. You want to know what really goes on inside my head, well I’m right here.
Real. Raw. Intense.
This is all me. Roy Sykes. This is my story, and trust me… its far from pretty.
Nicky's Review
4 Stars
Characters- LOVED Roy and LOVED Kelsey!!
Plot/Storyline- The story was awesome! I love how we got to see a different side of Roy and his story is WAY different than the first two stories of this series.
Steam Factor- HOT!!! Thinking of man pulling his hair back into a ponytail will now forever hold a kinky thought in my head thanks to Roy Sykes :)
Cover- Sexy! Love the tats on the guy. Very Roy :)
Cliffhanger- Nope. This is their story. There is definitely room to add on but you aren't left wanting :)
Overall- I really enjoyed this story. Roy's story is everything you thought it would be and more. He went through hell and back and came out in the end being the sweet guy he is. I love that he fought for what he wanted and always tried to do right by everyone even at the high price he'd have to pay. I wasn't a big ROY fan in the last two books, but DAMN! I am definitely on the Roy Boat now. This guy is deep, dark, sweet and HOT as hell! This is, by far, my favorite book of the series and can be read as a standalone but with some spoilers from the first book in regards to Eliza and Gage.
Who I Am is the heartbreaking story that is Roy Sykes. We get to see Roy before Fire9Nine becomes big. We get to see how Roy struggles with maintaining a roof over his and his mom's head, the bad choices he is forced to make, the danger he puts himself in for others and the challenges he faces with love.
I loved his back story and also hated that he had to go through what he went through, but meeting Kelsey had made it so much better for me because it felt good that he finally found someone who truly loves him for him. Although things happen that threaten his relationship with Kelsey, I LOVE how Roy handled it. Nothing is more attractive than a guy who fights for what he wants and puts his whole heart on the line.
The only thing I wish would have be included in the book was a time frame in the beginning. I'll explain. When the book starts, Roy does something so out of character and he basically gives credit to Kelsey for helping him get the nerve to do it. When I read this, I was a little confused and frustrated because I felt that it was a bit of an insta-love situation and I couldn't believe that they had just met and now she can suddenly get him to open up like he did. It felt very fast and unbelievable that he'd do this for someone he just started seeing, but as I read (about halfway through) I found out that they had been together for 1 year by the time the book started. It just would have been nice to know that he had been with Kelsey for a year and it had taken him a year to finally come to terms with doing what he was doing. After I found this out, then I was good with the way the events occurred. It was more believable that they had gotten so close and that he had the time to open up.
All in all, I really enjoyed this book and would recommend it to anyone who wants to read about a man with a heart of gold who is given a shit life but overcomes all obstacles despite his external and internal struggles. Great job Shanora Williams!! Roy's story was perfect and helped me understand his distant, standoffish behavior in the other books. Thank you :)
"'Hitting on my girl? Isn't that against the guy-code or something?' I asked teasingly. Montana simply shrugged again with his hands held out. 'No offence, but sometimes girls think twice about the guy they're with when they meet me. I tend to have that effect on the bitches.'"
"I just... sat there and blended in with the darkness, wondering how the hell I was going to get myself out of this one. This was my heart. This was me. And she bucked it all up. She... destroyed me."
"'You have no idea how much I love you, Kelsey Michelle Prior. No fucking idea.'
'I think I love you more,' I whisper over his shoulder.'
'Impossible,' he mumbles, and then kisses my cheek. 'Now, let me take you home. I'm not done making things up to you yet.'"
Purchase this book:

Brittany's Review
4.5 Stars
Characters- Kelsey and Roy are awesome characters....I love them! Plus, all the band members are in this story too!
Plot/Storyline- I just LOVED this book! We find out so much about Roy and his life and it really helps us understand him better from books 1 and 2.
Steam Factor- Very STEAMY ;) Kelsey and Roy have such great chemistry together and Shanora Williams is very descriptive during those incredible moments.
Cover- Hot and Sexy and shows both main characters perfectly like the rest of the band book covers.
Cliffhanger- No this story wraps up beautifully.
Overall- I am beyond thrilled to have an opportunity to read and review this book. I have been such a fan of the FireNine series from the beginning and of Shanora's writing. I have been dying to figure out the mysterious, sweet yet quiet Roy. Thankfully, I wasn't let down.
This book starts out with Kelsey and Roy still together and he is going in for a magazine interview. He is super nervous about it because this is the first time everyone will know who Roy Sykes really is. This is when we get the flashback to 8 years ago. Roy is 18 years old when he meets Rosemarie at a park while he's practicing his music with Gage. Their is an instant attraction between the two of them and they agree to go on a date that Friday. Rosemaire SEEMS very innocent and nice. She is also very beautiful according to Roy.
Roy is almost living two lives. The one he gives off to the band and Rosemaire and his hellish, tiresome REAL life. Roy lives with his mom in a one bedroom apartment in a bad part in the city. She is very sick and doesn't work so Roy takes care of her like the good hearted soul he is. Not only is he taking care of his mom full time he had to find a job to support them both. Unfortunately that meant getting involved in some illegal stuff and not so very nice people, Corey and Cheeks. Rose is also hiding some very important parts of her life from Roy.
Roy's and Rosemaire's relationship really kicks off and we soon find out Rose is not quite who we think she is. Roy can not stop falling for her and he feels like she is so different than all the other girls he has been with. Both of their lives are hectic though between him with the band and his mom and Rose dealing with her family. ALOT of shady things happen to tear everything apart. Rosemaire basically rips his heart to shreds and Roy promises to never allow himself to open up like that again to anyone.
I love how we got the flashback to really feel and understand what Roy went through and how much heartache and tragedy he faced in his youth. The second half of the book is in the present timeframe and we get to see more of Kelsey and Roy together. Of course, their is a little drama thrown in to make things interesting but I am so HAPPY with the outcome. Kelsey and Roy's chemistry together is HOT! Those FireNine boys really know how to please their ladies...I read a couple of those scenes a few times ;) Overall, I LOVED this book and I'm so glad we got such awesome perspective into Roy's sweet, honest, raw, real story. This was a complete transformation of one of my now, new favorite band members of FireNine. Can't wait to read Montana's story next!!! =)
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